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Avoid bad breath this Valentine’s Day
Feb 12, 2020
If your Valentine's Day plans include dinner reservations at a romantic restaurant, plan ahead to make sure your breath stays fresh. Here are a few tips to prevent a smelly mouth from ruining your special date:
- Avoid foods with strong odors. Spicy foods and dishes that include onions or garlic lead to unpleasant breath that can be hard to get rid of.
- Order a glass of water and drink it throughout your meal to keep food particles from sticking to your teeth, gums and tongue.
- Take sugarless gum with you and chew it after dinner to get rid of any trapped food debris that could turn into bacteria. Chewing gum also keeps your saliva flowing, which prevents a dry mouth.
Don't let bad breath take the romance out of your Valentine's Day. Follow these tips to keep your breath fresh!