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How to floss properly
Apr 24, 2020
You probably already know that you should floss at least once a day, but do you know the correct way to do it? Here’s a helpful step-by-step guide:
- Wash your hands thoroughly and remove about 18-20 inches of floss. Wind most of it around one of your middle fingers and the rest around the same finger of the opposite hand, leaving 1-2 inches in the middle.
- Hold the floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers.
- Guide the floss between your teeth using a gentle rubbing motion. Never snap the floss into the gums.
- When the floss reaches the gum line, curve it into a C shape against one tooth. Gently slide it into the space between the gum and the tooth.
- Rub the floss against the side of the tooth, moving the floss away from the gum with up and down motions.
- Repeat this method on the rest of your teeth, using your fingers to unwrap a clean section of floss for each tooth. Don’t forget the back side of your last tooth.
- Once you’re finished, throw the floss away. A used piece of floss won’t be as effective and could leave bacteria behind in your mouth.
To see these steps in action, check out this video from the American Dental Association (ADA).
Flossing is an important part of oral hygiene that shouldn’t be skipped. Make sure you are doing it effectively!